Device Intelligence

Device Fingerprinting that Stops Fraud, Builds Trust & Drives Growth

Tackle the root of fraud. Profile every single device in real time - with unparalleled precision.

Stop fraud before it starts

Detect and stop fraud in real time with device intelligence powered by machine learning.

Stop fraud before it starts

Detect and stop fraud in real time with device intelligence powered by machine learning.

Build trust with your users

Know which users, devices, and accounts are trustworthy. Ensure that fraudsters don't ruin everyone else's experience.

Build trust with your users

Know which users, devices, and accounts are trustworthy. Ensure that fraudsters don't ruin everyone else's experience.

Maximize your revenue

Every fraud threat damages your bottom line. SHIELD detects and blocks all fraud before it hurts your profits.

Maximize your revenue

Every fraud threat damages your bottom line. SHIELD detects and blocks all fraud before it hurts your profits.

Transform the way your organization fights fraud

Harness the global standard for device identification and empower your business to detect every single device with unparalleled accuracy.
SHIELD Risk Indicators
Detect malicious tools and techniques at any point throughout your ecosystem.
SHIELD Sentinel
Catch fraudsters red-handed by isolating the exact moment they begin exhibiting malicious behavior.

Transform the way your organization fights fraud

Harness the global standard for device identification and empower your business to detect every single device with unparalleled accuracy.
SHIELD Risk Indicators
Detect malicious tools and techniques at any point thoughout your ecosystem.
SHIELD Sentinel
Catch fraudsters red-handed by isolating the exact moment they begin exhibiting malicious behavior.

Transform the way your organization fights fraud

Harness the global standard for device identification and empower your business to detect every single device with unparalleled accuracy.
SHIELD Risk Indicators
Detect malicious tools and techniques at any point thoughout your ecosystem.
SHIELD Sentinel
Catch fraudsters red-handed by isolating the exact moment they begin exhibiting malicious behavior.

Powered by cutting-edge machine learning technology

Our proprietary machine learning engine is the cornerstone of our entire device fingerprinting process. It analyzes millions of device data points in real time to provide the most complete and comprehensive picture of risk.

Powered by cutting-edge machine learning technology

Our proprietary machine learning engine is the cornerstone of our entire device fingerprinting process. It analyzes millions of device data points in real time to provide the most complete and comprehensive picture of risk.
The Global Intelligence Network
Spanning six continents, the Global Intelligence Network enables our technology to block new and unknown fraud attacks before damage happens.
7 Billion
devices profiled
700 Million
user accounts protected
Prevent fraud across the user journey
Fake Accounts
Referral & Promo Abuse
Account Sharing
Incentive Abuse & Collusion
Payment Fraud
Subscription Abuse
Identity Fraud
Spam & User Abuse
Bot Attacks
Prevent fraud across the user journey
Fake Accounts
Referral & Promo Abuse
Account Sharing
Incentive Abuse & Collusion
Payment Fraud
Subscription Abuse
Identity Fraud
Spam & User Abuse
Bot Attacks
Prevent fraud across the user journey
Fake Accounts
Referral & Promo Abuse
Account Sharing
Incentive Abuse & Collusion
Payment Fraud
Subscription Abuse
Identity Fraud
Spam & User Abuse
Bot Attacks
Arsen Tomsky
“Our partnership with SHIELD empowers us to stay true to our mission of helping people, ensuring the highest standards of trust and fairness for all while maintaining our rapid pace of growth.”
Arsen Tomsky, CEO and Founder
“The perfect secure tech partner for us has to be able to scale alongside TrueMoney, possess strong technical know-how and expertise in mobile wallets, and has the agility to help us stay ahead of both fraudsters’ and consumers’ constantly changing behaviors. SHIELD ticks all of these boxes.”
Monsinee Nakapanant, Co-President
Profile photo
“MPL is focused on offering users a safe and secure gameplay experience on our app. In order to deliver this consistently, we are committed to using
best-in-class technology. Our partnership with SHIELD has enabled us to continue to take this forward.”
Ruchir Patwa, Vice President, Security and Compliance
Profile photo
“We are committed to offering users a safe and secure gameplay experience on our app. Our partnership with SHIELD has enabled us to continue to take this forward.”
Ruchir Patwa, Vice President, Security and Compliance
Arsen Tomsky
“Our partnership with SHIELD empowers us to stay true to our mission of helping people, ensuring the highest standards of trust and fairness for all.”
Arsen Tomsky, CEO and Founder
Monsinee Nakapanant
"Customer trust is our top priority and SHIELD is the best technology to guarantee this."
Monsinee Nakapanant, Co-President
Profile photo
“We are committed to offering users a safe and secure gameplay experience on our app. Our partnership with SHIELD has enabled us to continue to take this forward.”
Ruchir Patwa, Vice President, Security and Compliance
Arsen Tomsky
“Our partnership with SHIELD empowers us to stay true to our mission of helping people, ensuring the highest standards of trust and fairness for all.”
Arsen Tomsky, CEO and Founder
Monsinee Nakapanant
"Customer trust is our top priority and SHIELD is the best technology to guarantee this."
Monsinee Nakapanant, Co-President
Stop fraud, build trust, and drive growth today.
Get Started
Learn how our intelligence can help your business stop fraud, build trust, and drive growth today
Stop fraud, build trust, and drive growth today.
Get Started