
How Fraudsters Take Ride-Hailing Apps for a Ride

The ride-hailing industry today is thriving. Jumping in someone else’s car is very convenient, often cheap, and generally better for the environment than having your own. It’s no wonder that nearly 1.5 billion people are expected to use ride-hailing apps by 2027.

The industry continues to expand and ride-hailing companies are becoming increasingly creative with regard to the services and features they now offer. Some choose to branch into other industries with the intention of becoming a superapp; many introduce promotions and incentives to entice new passengers; others still even offer rides for pets. With such a broad range of services available, it’s no surprise the number of users on ride-hailing apps has nearly doubled in the last 5 years

Whatever the objective, new services and features present opportunities for bad users - who can be either drivers or passengers - to take advantage of the platform by committing fraud. This can lead to a lack of trust between customer and company, tarnished brand reputation, and lost revenue.